Before and After Body Sculpting: Tips to Get the Best Results (2025)

Body contouring treatments have gotten hugely popular over the last few years — and for good reason. These procedures can help you achieve the body shape you desire. Some of the most common med spa body sculpting options include:

  • Cryo or cool sculpting
  • Radiofrequency (truSculpt, Evolve)
  • Ultrasound (ultrasonic cavitation)
  • Laser lipolysis (SculpSure)
  • Electrical muscle stimulation (emSculpt, EvolveX)

If you're considering treatment, these tips will help you get the best results possible with the right before-and-after body contouring care.

Before and After Body Sculpting: Day of Treatment

Body contouring is a great way to reduce fat and treat cellulite, but everyone's body is different and results vary. Here are some day-of protocols to help you maximize yours.


Drink plenty of water before and after your appointment. Proper hydration is essential for flushing out toxins released by destroyed fat cells and helping with overall detoxification.

It can also help you replenish lost electrolytes, avoid inflammation, and promote healthy digestion.

Eat Sensibly

Avoid eating a heavy meal right before or after treatment. You should also limit alcohol and caffeine.

In general, proper nutrition is important to achieving and maintaining your body contouring goals.


While you should avoid strain and overexertion, which can lead to inflammation, it's a good idea to engage in some type of physical activity after your session. Exercise stimulates lymphatic flow throughout the body which helps with removing fat cells from the treated area.

After Body Contouring: Lymphatic Drainage

The lymphatic system is a network of vessels that carries fluid throughout the body. This fluid helps to remove waste products, toxins, and other debris from the tissues, finally getting rid of material dislodged during treatment.

In addition to exercise, several other activities stimulate lymphatic flow. Find something that works for you.

Massage for Lymphatic Drainage

Need an excuse for a massage? Here you go.

Massage therapy can help reduce inflammation and improve circulation as well as promote lymphatic flow. By increasing circulation in the area being massaged, your masseuse moves waste products away from the tissues and into the lymph nodes where they can be eliminated.

Infrared and Red Light Therapy

Infrared and red light therapy are also great ways to get the most out of your body contouring treatment. These treatments use light energy to penetrate deep into the skin.

Infrared heat can boost metabolism and assist in breaking down stored fat. And red light therapy increases circulation and stimulates collagen production, helping to tighten the skin.

Whole Body Vibration

Incorporate whole-body vibration into your health and exercise regimen. It stimulates muscles and has been proven to reduce fat in the long term. gets all systems of your body moving.

Not sold? Whole-body vibration also improves bone density, reduces inflammation, and positively affects metabolic health.

You can find vibration plates at many health clinics and gyms or purchase one for home use.

Diet and Exercise for Body Contouring

Body contouring targets fat pockets that are resistant to diet and exercise and tightens your skin. But it doesn't prevent the need for a healthy lifestyle that includes a good diet and regular workouts.


Cardio increases circulation, assists lymphatic drainage, and burns calories and fat — all of which are important for slimming down.

You can do any type of cardio that you enjoy, such as running, cycling, swimming or even walking. Just make sure to get your heart rate up and keep it up for at least 30 minutes each session.

The current guidelines supported by the CDC recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity and two days of muscle-strengthening exercise a week.

Strength Training

With strength training, you can build muscles, which then burn more calories even when you’re not exercising. This means that even when you’re resting or sleeping, your body is burning calories and fat! Focus on compound movements like squats and deadlifts that target multiple muscles at once for maximum efficiency.

Healthy Foods

Eat a diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Produce, lean proteins, and whole grains should all feature in your meal plans.

You can also promote the skin-tightening element of body-sculpting treatments. Foods with omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon or flaxseed oil can improve skin elasticity — as can the protein keratin, so it may be time to break out that new quinoa recipe you've been itching to try.

Vitamins A, C, E, and K are also important for skin health and should be included in your diet before and after your body contouring session. Together, these vitamins promote cell growth, promote collagen production, and protect against free radicals. Add foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, and oranges to your diet.

Step Into Your After

These tips for before and after body contouring should help you maximize its effectiveness while promoting overall good health.

So if you want to treat resistant fat and tone your muscles and skin, schedule a consultation or contact us today. Learn about the different body sculpting options we offer — such as cryosculpting and Evolve X — and which will best suit your needs. At Advanced Body Sculpting and MedSpa, we're excited to help you step into your after.

Download body contouring infographic.

Before and After Body Sculpting: Tips to Get the Best Results (2025)


Before and After Body Sculpting: Tips to Get the Best Results? ›

Your initial results are those that become obvious while you are still in recovery. For both surgical and non-surgical treatments, the initial results become obvious around the six-week benchmark, meaning that you will begin to notice improvements in your overall appearance about one to two months after your treatment.

How can I improve my body sculpting results? ›

Our Top 3 Tips to Maximize Your Body Sculpting Results
  1. Continue with a consistent diet and workout regimen that fits your lifestyle. ...
  2. Drink more water than you think you need. ...
  3. Enjoy activities that keep you moving.

How long until you see results from body sculpting? ›

Your initial results are those that become obvious while you are still in recovery. For both surgical and non-surgical treatments, the initial results become obvious around the six-week benchmark, meaning that you will begin to notice improvements in your overall appearance about one to two months after your treatment.

What should you not do before body sculpting? ›

Avoid eating a heavy meal right before or after treatment. You should also limit alcohol and caffeine. In general, proper nutrition is important to achieving and maintaining your body contouring goals.

How to get the best CoolSculpting results? ›

Here are seven tips on how to improve CoolSculpting results:
  1. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle. CoolSculpting only targets specific areas of fat, not the whole body. ...
  2. Drink Plenty of Water. ...
  3. Massage the Treated Area. ...
  4. Wear Loose Clothing or a Compression Garment. ...
  5. Avoid NSAIDs. ...
  6. Manage Expectations. ...
  7. Attend Follow-Up Treatments.
Aug 19, 2021

Do and don'ts after body sculpting? ›

Give Your Body Time To Rest and Detox

Right after your session, give your body some time to rest and detox. You don't need to run straight to the gym or perform intense workouts right after your session. While you can exercise after your treatment, remember to give your body time to rest as well.

Can body sculpting reduce belly fat? ›

CoolSculpting is a highly effective treatment for reducing the appearance of belly fat by freezing fat cells to “de-bulk” the treatment area. CoolSculpting is best used for patients who are near to their ideal weight, as CoolSculpting is not a weight loss procedure.

How often should you do body sculpting? ›

In theory, there is no limit to the amount of iD treatments a person can do, as after 2-3 procedures dramatic fat loss will have occurred. These truSculpt iD treatments should typically be spaced out by at least 30 days, but 4 months is ideal.

What are the cons of body sculpting? ›

Common side effects of body contouring include scarring, body asymmetry (one side of the body has more fat removed than the other), blood clots, and excess skin in the treated area.

Why drink water before body sculpting? ›

We recommend that you drink at least 1.5 liters of water before and after the session. Drinking water is a necessary part in order to eliminate the fat. It is also recommended to perform a minimum of 20 minutes of elevated heart rate cardio exercise (or brisk walk) after treatment (within the same day).

Why does my stomach look bigger after CoolSculpting? ›

Paradoxical adipose hyperplasia is a rare complication of CoolSculpting that gets its name from the unexpected, paradoxical result: overgrowth (hyperplasia) of fatty (adipose) tissue. This complication, which can appear 8 to 24 weeks post-procedure, occurs when the treated area becomes hardened and visibly enlarged.

What happens after 1 week of fat freezing? ›

Healing and Progress in the First Week After CoolSculpting

As the targeted fat cells start to break down 1 to 2 weeks following therapy, the body starts the repair process. Patients may notice little variations in the treated areas. Normal swelling indicates the body is healing; some may have minor bruises.

Does exercise speed up CoolSculpting results? ›

While exercising will increase the fat loss effect of cool sculpting, it is not advisable to follow strenuous exercises during the first 48 hours post-treatment. You may potentially injure your hips or around the treated area. After this period, you should ease into the exercise regimen slowly.

How can I make my body more sculpted? ›

At Home Body Sculpting Exercises
  1. Squats. Overview: Squats are essential for shaping the lower body, targeting the thighs, hips, and buttocks. ...
  2. Push Ups. Overview: Push-ups sculpt the upper body, focusing on the chest, shoulders, and triceps. ...
  3. Planks. Overview: Planks are excellent for contouring a tight core.

How can I get better at sculpting? ›

Here are 9 practical tips that'll transform your sculpting skills from good to "wow, you made that?" Let's dive in!
  1. Get familiar with anatomy. ...
  2. Use reference images. ...
  3. Start with simple shapes. ...
  4. Practice different textures. ...
  5. Learn to layer. ...
  6. Explore different sculpting materials. ...
  7. Experiment with tools. ...
  8. Develop patience.
Jul 31, 2023

What is the best treatment for body sculpting? ›

Liposuction is often at the top of the list of the most well-known plastic surgery procedures, and it is one of the best tried-and-true body sculpting methods. It is a surgical procedure that involves removing fat from underneath the skin with a suction device called a cannula.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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