Certificate of French nationality (CNF) (2024)

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What is the purpose of a French nationality certificate? How do I apply? What's the deadline to get it? Is an appeal possible in the event of a refusal? We tell you what you need to know about the certificate of French nationality.

Step-by-step approach

The certificate of French nationality (CNF) is a document proving your french nationality.


You may need a CNF for a 1era apply for an identity card or passport, to register for a competition, to apply for a public service job.

The CNF shall indicate the applicable texts, the facts (e.g. birth, residence) or legal acts (e.g. marriage, naturalization) which determine your French nationality.


if you have never had french nationality and you want to get it, you have to make a demand of acquisition of French nationality by declaration or naturalization.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You are 18 years of age or older

You You have to do it yourself the application for a certificate of French nationality.

You're 16 or 17

You can do it yourself the application for a certificate of French nationality.

However, your legal representatives can also make the request for you (one of your parents can make the request in case of a joint exercise of parental authority).

You're under 16

Your legal representatives must apply certificate of French nationality for you (one of your parents can do the procedure in case of a joint exercise of parental authority).

You're under guardianship

Your guardian can apply certificate of French nationality for you.

You're under a trusteeship

You You have to ask yourself a certificate of French nationality.

The approach is free.

You must complete, date and sign the cerfa form no. 16237 application for a certificate of French nationality.

Read attentively package leaflet no. 52373 before you apply.

Application for a certificate of French nationality

Original of each document

All documents must be produced in original, including translations.

Copies are not accepted.

However, a legible copy document is accepted for subsequent documents:

  • Official identity document
  • Document issued in a single copy not retained by the issuing authority. For example, the family booklet.

You must present the original of the document to the department that instructs you on your application for a CNF (depending on your situation, the court or the diplomatic or consular authority)

Civil status document

One civil status document must be provided in full and in original in the language of the country of origin.

Decision of a judicial or administrative authority

A decision or act of a judicial or administrative authority shall be provided in the form of a shipment and accompanied, if necessary, by a certificate of non-appeal.

Declaration of French nationality

You must provide:

  • the registered copy of the declaration, kept by its holder,
  • or the French birth certificate mentioning the declaration,
  • or a certificate from the authority which registered the declaration.

French Naturalization Decree

You must provide:

  • the amplification the decree,
  • or the French birth certificate mentioning the decree,
  • or a certificate from the minister responsible for naturalization.


You must attach a translation of every document written in a foreign language.

You must provide the original translation.

Documents in a foreign language must be translated into French by a translator on the list of experts approved by the courts of appeal.

However, translation is not required for a multilingual birth certificate extract one of whose languages is French.

In addition, to avoid having to translate some documents issued by a the European Union, one multilingual form can be attached.

See the e-justice site for more information.

Legalization or Apostille

Certain documents established abroad must be legalized or apostilles to be accepted in France.

Inquire at the embassy or consulate of the country concerned.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You're asking for a CNF for yourself

  • Your birth certificate
  • Official identity document
  • Recent identity and color photography
  • Proof of domicile.
    Example: last tax or non-tax notice, electricity or gas bill, landline telephone or internet access bill less than 3 months, rent receipt less than 3 months
    In case of accommodation: dated and signed proof of accommodation, official document of identity of the host, proof of residence of the host, letter to you from a private or public body sent to the address of the host

You are requesting a CNF for a minor child

Documents concerning the minor
  • Birth certificate
  • Official identity document if one exists
  • Recent identity and color photography
  • Proof of domicile if the minor does not reside with you
Documents about you
  • Official identity document
  • Recent identity and color photography
  • If necessary, all documents proving the exercise of parental authority. For example, marriage certificate, recognition certificate, decision on parental authority
  • Proof of domicile.
    Example: last tax or non-tax notice, electricity or gas bill, landline telephone or internet access bill less than 3 months, rent receipt less than 3 months
    In case of accommodation: dated and signed proof of accommodation, official document of identity of the host, proof of residence of the host, letter to you from a private or public body sent to the address of the host

You are requesting a CNF for a protected adult

Documents concerning the protected adult
  • Birth certificate
  • Official identity document
  • Recent identity and color photography
  • Proof of domicile
Documents about you
  • Official identity document
  • Recent identity and color photography
  • As appropriate, protection order or future protection mandate
  • Proof of domicile.
    Example: last tax or non-tax notice, electricity or gas bill, landline telephone or internet access bill less than 3 months, rent receipt less than 3 months
    In case of accommodation: dated and signed proof of accommodation, official document of identity of the host, proof of residence of the host, letter to you from a private or public body sent to the address of the host

You're asking for a NTC for a deceased person

Documents concerning the deceased person
  • Birth certificate of the deceased person
  • Death certificate
Documents about you
  • Letter from the body or department which submitted the request for NFC
  • Official identity document
  • Recent identity and color photography
  • All documents proving your status as successor in title to the deceased person
  • Proof of domicile
    Example: last tax or non-tax notice, electricity or gas bill, landline telephone or internet access bill less than 3 months, rent receipt less than 3 months
    In case of accommodation: dated and signed proof of accommodation, official document of identity of the host, proof of residence of the host, letter to you from a private or public body sent to the address of the host

If you have a court decision telling you french, you must attach this decision to cerfa form no. 16237 application for a certificate of French nationality.

If you don't have a court decision that says you're French, you must provide others documents depending on your situation:

  • Either you are french since your birth
  • Either you have acquired french nationality

Documents to provide if you are French since birth

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You were born in France and at least one of your parents was born in France

You're French by double ground

You're French by double ground

You must provide the birth certificate of the parent(s) born in France

Depending on the situation, you must also provide a documents establishing your filiation with regard to the french parent(s).

For example: marriage certificate of the parents, recognition certificate by the parents born in France.

You were born French by descent

You were born French by parentage means that at least one of your parents was French on the day of your birth.

You were born French by parentage means that at least one of your parents was French on the day of your birth.

It is advisable to fill in the family tree joint to cerfa form no. 16237 to help you understand your family situation.

You can also establish a family tree on the same model.

Documents to be provided in all cases

You must provide the birth certificate of the French parent(s).

Depending on the situation, you must also provide a documents establishing your filiation with regard to the french parent(s).

For example: marriage certificate of the parents, recognition certificate by the parents born in France.

If your parent has benefited from a court order saying it in French

You must provide this court order.

If your parent was born French by double right of the ground

You must provide the birth certificate of his or her parent(s) born in France.

Depending on the situation, you must also provide a documents establishing the parent's filiation with regard to his or her own parent(s) born in France.

For example: marriage certificate of your parents, act of recognition.

If your parent was born French by filiation
For the chain of parentage

You must provide the birth certificates of all ascendants, going back to 1er French ascendant included.

Depending on the situation, you must also provide one or more documents establishing the parent's filiation in respect of his or her own parent(s) born in France of each member of the chain in respect of his or her own direct ascendant.

For example: marriage certificate, recognition certificate.

For the 1st French ascendant
If this ascendant benefited from a court decision saying it French

You must provide this court order.

If this ascendant was born French by double right of the ground

Unless he was born before 1851 (in this case his birth certificate is sufficient), you must provide the birth certificate of his parent(s) born in France.

Depending on the situation, you must also provide the act or acts establishing the parentage of the ascendant in respect of his or her own parent or parents born in France.

For example: marriage certificate, recognition certificate.

If this ascendant has acquired French nationality

You must provide, as appropriate:

  • Either the decree or the statement demonstrating that the ascendant has voluntarily acquired French nationality, including through reintegration
  • Either all documents showing that the ascendant acquired French nationality by right. For example: documents establishing majority acquisition by birth and residence in France.
Whether this ascendant retained French nationality at independence

You must provide all documents demonstrating that the parent was of French nationality before independence of the State concerned.

You must also provide all documents demonstrating, in accordance with the law or the treaty governing the consequences on nationality of the attainment of independence of the State concerned, that the ascendant a:

  • retains by right French nationality, or
  • either opted to retain French nationality,
  • has the effect of a declaration enabling French nationality to be retained.

If necessary, to demonstrate the French state possession, you must provide all documents for you and your parent.

The French state possession means that a person behaves as French and is considered French by the public authorities.

For example (valid or expired documents): national identity card, passport, voter's card, consular card, registration in the foreigner register.

You can also provide military documents or a certificate of French nationality.

If your parent acquired French nationality before your birth (or before the request for full adoption)

Depending on the situation, you must provide:

  • the decree or the statement demonstrating that your parent has acquired voluntarily the French nationality, including through reintegration,
  • all documents demonstrating that your parent has acquired by right the French nationality. For example, documents establishing majority acquisition by birth and residence in France.
If your parent has retained French nationality at independence before your birth

You must provide all documents demonstrating that your parent was of French nationality before independence of the State concerned.

You must also provide all documents demonstrating, in accordance with the law or the treaty governing the consequences on nationality of the attainment of independence of the State concerned, that your parent has:

  • retains by right French nationality, or
  • either opted to retain French nationality,
  • has the effect of a declaration enabling French nationality to be retained.

You were born French because of your birth in France

If you were born in France to stateless parents

You must provide the following:

  • Birth certificate of your parents
  • All Documents establishing that your parents are stateless persons (decision of theOfpra: titleContent)
  • Depending on the situation, acts establishing your parentage. For example, your parents' marriage certificate, your parent's recognition certificate.
If you were born in France to parents of a foreign nationality who can in no way be passed on to you
  • Birth certificate of your parents
  • All Documents establishing that your parents are of one foreign nationality that can in no way be transmitted to you. For example, a certificate of custom issued by the consulate or foreign law(s) of nationality.
  • Depending on the situation, acts establishing your parentage. For example, your parents' marriage certificate, your parent's recognition certificate.
If you were born in France to unknown parents

You do not need to produce any documents other than those to be provided for any certificate application.

You were born French before independence and you retained French nationality at the time of independence of the State concerned

It is advisable to fill in the family tree joint to cerfa form no. 16237 to help you understand your family situation.

You can also establish a family tree on the same model.

You must provide all documents demonstrating that you were born french before independence of the State concerned.

You must also provide all documents demonstrating, in accordance with the law or the treaty governing the consequences on nationality of the attainment of independence of the State concerned, that you have:

  • retains by right French nationality, or
  • either opted to retain French nationality,
  • has the effect of a declaration enabling French nationality to be retained.

Documents to be provided if you have acquired French nationality

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You have acquired French nationality by right (by operation of law)

You were born in France to foreigners parents and you have become a majority Frenchman by birth and residence in France

You must provide the following:

  • Birth certificate of parents
  • All Documents concerning the foreign nationality of the parents on the day of your birth
  • All Documents establishing that you have usually resided in France for the period required and you were residing there at the time you became an adult. For example: school certificates, report cards, probationary certificate, apprenticeship or work contract.

If you were born in Mayotte and are has become of age from 1er march 2019, you must also provide the following:

  • Either all documents proving that at least one of your parents resided in France on a regular basis with a residence permit, and continuously since more than 3 months, at the time of your birth
  • Either all documents proving at least one of your parents has resided in France on a regular basis, during the continuous or discontinuous period of 5 years required for your habitual residence in France since the age of 11
Your parent acquired French nationality while you were a minor and unmarried and you became French through this acquisition (collective effect)
Your parent became French (including by reinstatement) on July 25, 1993

You must provide the following:

  • Birth certificate of the parent who has acquired French nationality
  • Declaration of nationality or decree of your carrying parent mention of your name under collective action
Your parent became French (including by reintegration) before July 25, 1993

You must provide the following:

  • Birth certificate of the parent who has acquired French nationality
  • Declaration of nationality or decree of your parent
  • Depending on the situation, the act or acts establishing your parentage to that parent. For example: marriage certificate, recognition certificate.
You married a Frenchman before January 12, 1973

You must provide the following:

  • Birth certificate of your French husband
  • Your marriage certificate with this french husband
  • All Documents establishing the french nationality of your husband on the day of your marriage

You have acquired French nationality voluntarily

Depending on the situation, you must provide:

  • The declaration of nationality in your name (acquisition or reintegration)
  • Your demonstration of will (declaration of acquisition by birth and residence in France subscribed between 1 January 1994 and 31 August 1998)
  • Your decree (acquisition, naturalization or reintegration)

You acquired French nationality before independence and you retained it when the State concerned became independent

It is advisable to fill in the family tree joint to cerfa form no. 16237 to help you understand your family situation.

You can also establish a family tree on the same model.

You must provide all documents showing that you have acquired french nationality before independence of the State concerned.

You must also provide all documents demonstrating, in accordance with the law or treaty governing the consequences on nationality of the attainment of independence of the State concerned, qthat you have:

  • retains by right French nationality, or
  • either opted to retain French nationality,
  • has the effect of a declaration enabling French nationality to be retained.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You live in France

You must send by mail or put down your application (cerfa form completed, dated, signed and supporting documents) to court or court near your home.

Who shall I contact

You live abroad

You were born in France

You must send by mail or put down your application (form completed, dated, signed and supporting documents) to court or court near your place of birth.

Who shall I contact
You were born abroad

You must send by mail or put down your application (form completed, dated, signed and supporting documents) to court of law in Paris (French Nationality Service).

Who shall I contact
  • Court of Justice of Paris

Depending on your situation, additional documents may be requested.

You receive a mail which indicates which documents to provide and in which time limit.

One receipt is sent to you by email when you have provided all requested documents.

The receipt attest of the receiving your complete file application for a certificate of French nationality.

The graft of the court has a period of 6 months from issue of the receipt to take a decision

The 6-month period may be extended up to 2 times for the same duration.

If you do not receive no reply at the end of these time limits, this means that your request is rejected.

The refusal to issue the certificate of french nationality must be notified by email at the address indicated in your request.


The receipt for your application, dated October 2, 2022, indicates that the decision will be made within 6 months, that is, by April 2, 2023.

This period of 6 months is extended twice, until April 2, 2024.

If you did not receive a response on April 3, 2024, your application is denied.

Please note

a refusal decision which takes place after 1er september 2022 at a application for a certificate of french nationality made before that date is notified either by hand against signature or by registered letter with AR: titleContent.

The graft of the court you remit your certificate of french nationality counter-signature.


in case of error on your certificate of french nationality, contact the registry that issued the certificate.

If your certificate request is rejected, you can make a appeal dispute to the court of law of your domicile (court in Paris if you live abroad).

The lawyer is obligatory. It's the lawyer who shall take charge of the appeal.

The appeal must be lodged within a period of 6 months from notification the refusal or expiry of the time-limits at the end of which failure to take a decision shall be deemed to constitute rejection of the application.

The appeal must be accompanied by your application for a certificate of French nationality (Cerfa form n°16237 and supporting documents) and any decision to refuse.

Who shall I contact


for a application for a certificate dated before 1er september 2022, on starting point of the time-limit for bringing proceedings depends on the date of the refusal decision:

  • If the refusal is dated before 1er September 2022, the time limit for bringing an action shall start from 1er September 2022.
  • If the refusal is dated after 1er september 2022, the time-limit for bringing proceedings shall start from notification refusal (hand-delivered or by registered letter with AR: titleContent).

If you don't want to appeal dispute in court, you retain the option of bringing an action for see if you are deemed to be a french national.

This action is not subject to no time limit.

The lawyer is obligatory.

In case of loss of your certificate of French nationality, you must reapply.

Application for a certificate of French nationality

Who can help me?

Find who can answer your questions in your region

  • Telephone administrative information - Allo Public Service

    The informants who answer you are from the Department of Justice.

    Cost: free service

    Service available at the following times:

    • Monday: 8.30am to 5.30pm
    • Tuesday: 8:30 to 12:15
    • Wednesday: 8:30 to 12:15
    • Thursday: 8.30am to 5.30pm
    • Friday: 1 p.m. to 4:15 p.m
      • Lundi: de08h30à17h30
      • Mardi: de08h30à12h15
      • Mercredi: de08h30à12h15
      • Jeudi: de08h30à17h30
      • Vendredi: de13h00à16h15

    Request a call

  • House of Justice and the Law

  • Application for a certificate of French nationality



  • Translating a document: how to find a certified translator?

  • In what cases is a child French?

  • Can you have several nationalities in France?

  • Identity card / Passport: how to prove your French nationality?

  • French nationality


  • Civil status documents


  • Legalization of documents of foreign origin (authentication)


Certificate of French nationality (CNF) (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.