Inner Voice Targ Track Behav Influ - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 8/3/2019 Inner Voice Targ Track Behav Influ


    Inner Voice, Target Tracking, and Behavioral Influence


    John J. McMurtrey, M. S.,a

    Copyright 2003, 6 Apr. 2005b

    Co-authorship is negotiable towards professional publication inan NLM indexed journal, [emailprotected]

    Donations toward future research are gratefully appreciatedat


    Inner voice transmission development by ultrasound and microwavetechnique isreviewed as well as target tracking literature.References recognizing behavioralinfluence technologies aresurveyed along with reported instances of the use ofmicrowave andultrasound energy forms on people. Many aspects of theconsideredliterature directly contradict professional presumptions,particularly within thepsychological and psychiatriccommunities.


    People discerning remote manipulation corresponding totechnology capable ofsuch influence have formed protestorganizations across the world. 1 2 3 4 Educatedsociety isuninformed regarding authentic documentation of the developmentandexistence of these technologies, and is without appreciation ofthe hazard. Complaint ofhearing voices and perception of otherremote manipulation must receive appropriatescientific and legalinvestigation with protection. Professional awareness isvirtuallyabsent with eminent texts and opinion being presumptive,without appraisal of theevidence.

    Herein is substantiated:

    1. The development of remote wireless ultrasound andmicrowaveinternal voice transmission.

    2. Human tracking technologies.

    3. References recognizing behavioral influence capabilities andthe use ofsuch technologies against humans.

    a Address: 903 N. Calvert St., Baltimore MD 21202.[emailprotected] 410-539-5140.b Financialcontribution to this article was made by fellow members ofChristians Against Mental Slaverywithwebsite

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    Because of conducting medium non-linearity, sound can bescattered by sounds ofdifferent frequencies, which producesentirely new tones, and this was originally

    observed in air as the Tartini tones during the eighteenthcentury.5

    The samephenomenon occurs for ultrasound sonar systems calledparametric arrays in a mannerthat is highly directional.Mathematical basis for such sonar effects were developed,whichpredicted the generation of sound waves that are of audible lowfrequencies. 678

    A subsequent more general and complete analysis predicted notonly simple tones, but anenvelope of modulated low frequency sound,which could encompass voice within thehearing range.9 Despiterumors of failed classified air experiments, 10 abstract reportsofair generated acoustic tones by parametric array ultrasound beamsbegan appearing, 111213

    and then had more complete publication, 14 though unrecognizedwas an earlier, lessextensive report.15 This ability to producesound is utilized to construct loudspeakers fordirectionallyprojecting audio sound, 16 which have further characterization 17with sound

    modulation improvement,


    and mathematical prediction compared to experimentalresults. 1920 Basic methods for such speakers are described in the AudioEngineeringHandbook. 21 The connotation of loudspeaker is somewhatmisleading as a term forthese speakers, since virtual point sourcesof sound are generated within the ultrasoundbeams 22 withoutscattering outside the beam intersection. 15 Recently parametricarrayemitter 23 and directivity 24 improvement, as well as lesscumbersome mathematicaldescriptions for circular25or rectangularsources 26are reported. These sound projectiontechniques areinternally perceived by a recipient without directional orientationasdescribed from demonstrations, and patents for non-lethal weaponapplications.

    Lowrey patent # 6052336 Apparatus and method of broadcastingaudible soundusing ultrasonic sound as a carrier clearly focuses onnon-lethal weapon applicationagainst crowds or as directed at anindividual. 27 Communication is understood as aninner voice withloss of the directional quality of sound perception. Since mostculturesattribute inner voices either as a sign of madness, or asmessages from spirits or demons,both of which . . . evoke powerfulemotional reactions, quotes the effect on people.Replaying speech,with a delay impedes talking and causes stuttering. Normalbrainwave patterns can be changed (or entrained), which may causetemporary incapacitation,intense feelings of discomfort.Entrainment technique is detailed by Monroe Patent #5356368 Methodof and apparatus for inducing desired states of consciousness,asaccomplished by an auditory replication of brainwave patterns toentrain the EEG. 28

    Interstate Industries licensed this patent.The Norris patent #5889870 Acoustic heterodyne device and method produces

    sound particularly within cavities such as the ear canal. 29 Anindividual readilyunderstands communication across a noisy crowedroom without nearby discernment.Sound can also be produced frommid-air or as reflecting from surfaces.

    American Technology Corporation (ATC) licensed this latterpatent, andcommercially sells their HyperSonic Sound system, whichhas a technical treatmentavailable 10 and been presented at aprofessional meeting. 30 This company also has anacousticnon-lethal weapons system 31 called the Long Range AcousticDevice(LRADTM). The LRAD is being integrated into the Navys radarsituational awareness


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    surveillance systems, accounts for 60% of military sales, 32 andhas a reported 80 %efficacy in deterring wayward Persian Gulfvessels. 33 Besides the Navy the device isalso deployed to theArmy, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps 34 as well as ground troopsinIraq 35 36 37 and Afghanistan. 38 39 The Miami police used theLRAD for the free tradeconference, 40 while the New York Policeobtained it for the Republican Convention. 33 41

    The inner nature of sound perception is described fromdemonstrations for the AudioEngineering Society, 42 an engineeringnews article, 43 and Popular Science. 44 Somedescription of moreobnoxious sound effects is available. 45 A similar ultrasoundmethodcapable of limiting sound to one person, Audio Spotlight haspeer reviewedpublication,46 and is marketed. The Audio Spotlighthas had exhibition at BostonsMuseum of Science, 47 the GeneralMotors display at Disneys Epcot Center, 48 theSmithsonian NationalAir & Space Museum, and other public venues. 49 TheAmericanTechnology Corporation and Audio Spotlight devices featurein science news andtechnology articles. 50515253 A non-lethalweapons program director confirms the lack ofnearby discernment onultrasound voice transmission. 54 Other acoustic influencemethodsmay utilize ultrasound. 55c


    There are early references to radiofrequency hallucination 56andof reaction toradio wave energy 5758 by Italian authors that mayhave observed radio frequency hearingphenomena, but theobservations were poorly characterized, at least in availableEnglishpublications. However sound perception was known throughradar technicians in WorldWar II5960 and the late 1940s, 61 who hadmicrowave hearing effect anecdotes. Thoughmost literature on thehearing effect refers to microwave hearing, the phenomenonextendsbelow microwave frequencies, and radio frequency hearing is also anappropriateterm. 60 Allan H. Frey was the first to substantiallycharacterize the microwave hearingeffect in a series of articlesbeginning in 1961. 62 63 Subjects can hear appropriatelypulsedmicrowaves at least up to thousands of feet from the transmitter.64 Transmitterparameters above those producing the effect result ina severe buffeting of the head,while parameters below the effectinduce a pins and needles sensation. Peak power is themajordeterminant of loudness, though there is some dependence on pulsewidth. 63 Pulsemodulation appears to influence pitch and timbre.Microwave hearing is described asperceived within or near the head.59 The hearing effect can be produced from radiofrequencycomponents of magnetic resonance scanners. 65

    Direct microwave hearing experience by many microwave workers,and thephenomenons well replicated animal definition makes this themost accepted of low power microwave effects. 61 Review of humanand animal microwave hearingconfirmation by independentinvestigators establishes validity. 58 59 606667 6869 Designsforscaring birds away from aircraft or other hazards by microwavehearing 70 and inductionof vertigo 71 exist.7273

    c Loos Patent # 6017302 Subliminal acoustic manipulation ofnervous system can cause relaxation,drowsiness, or sexualexcitement, depending on the precise acoustic frequency near Hzused. The effectsof the 2.5 Hz resonance include slowing of certaincortical processes, sleepiness, and disorientation.


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    While working for the Advanced Research Projects Agency atWalter Reed ArmyInstitute of Research, Sharp and Grove discoveredreceiverless and wireless voicetransmission.74 Their method wassimple: the negative deflections of voiceprints fromrecorded spokennumbers were caused to trigger microwave pulses. Upon illuminationby such verbally modulated energy, the words were understoodremotely. The

    discoverys applications are obviously not limited to therapeuticmedicine according toJames C. Lin in Microwave Auditory Effects andApplications. 75A Defense Intelligence Agency Communist literaturereview affirms microwave

    sound and indicates voice transmission. The report states:Sounds and possibly evenwords which appear to be originatingintracranially (within the head) can be induced bysignal modulationat very low average power densities. 76 Among weaponimplicationsare great potential for development into a system fordisorientating or disrupting thebehavior patterns of military ordiplomatic personnel. An Army Mobility EquipmentResearch andDevelopment Command report affirms microwave speechtransmissionwith applications of camouflage, decoy, and deceptionoperations. 77 One decoy anddeception concept presently beingconsidered is to remotely create noise in the heads of

    personnel by exposing them to low power, pulsed microwaves . . .By proper choice ofpulse characteristics, intelligible speech maybe created quotes the report.The Brunkan Patent # 4877027 Hearingsystem is a device for verbal

    microwave hearing. 78 The invention converts speech with remoteintroduction into thehead by parabolic antenna. The microwavespectrum granted by the patent is from 100 to10,000 MHz (0.1-10GHz) with pulse width from 10 nanoseconds to 1 microsecond, andbursts of such pulses lasting from 500 nanoseconds to 100microseconds. Preferredoperation is at 1000 MHz, which is thefrequency of optimal tissue penetration. 79 Burstsof narrowlygrouped, evenly spaced pulses determine sound intensity by theiramount perunit time. A similar German patent for remote antennamicrowave voice transmission isalso based on microwave bursts. 80 Amicrowave voice transmission patent with a non-remote transducerthat is based on microwave bursts is designed in such a way thattheburst frequencies are at least virtually equal to the soundfrequencies of the sounds pickedup by the microphone. 81

    Microwave hearing literature confirms an ability to reproducesoundcharacteristics, and aspects of these patents. Though loudnessis modulated by pulsepower, 63 82 closely spaced pulses alsoincrease sound intensity, 83 84 or lower theperception threshold.65 Pulse width affects tonal quality with longer pulsesproducinglower frequency sound. 59 Microwave pulse widthdifferentially influences cat cochlearnucleus auditory units thatare responsive to different tones 85 over sound frequenciesfrom 931Hz to 25.5 kHz. 86 The responses dependent on the separation oftwin pulses 86

    have at least some analogy to the parameters of human pitchdiscrimination. 87 Linextends the range of microwave hearing tofrequencies into the tens of gigahertz. 59

    There are numerous patents for microwave voice transmission withnon-remotetransducers 88 with one based on multiple microwavefrequencies. 89 The first inventor ofnon-remote radio frequencyvoice transmission had a patent held up for five years by aDefenseIntelligence Agency secrecy order, 90 but the device is now forsale over theinternet as the Neurophone.91 92 Two separate deviceswith non-remote transducers showefficacy in peer reviewedpublication either by independent analysis of operation, 939495

    or the developers demonstrating improved speech discrimination.96 97 Although this


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    latter reports title features electrotherapy, radio frequencyhearing had just previouslybeen considered as electrophonichearing, 98 with the report stating a radio frequencymethod, whilereferring equipment description to an Air Force SystemsCommandcommissioned study. 99 This 1964 Air Force study is thefirst report of radio frequencyvoice transmission with improvedword discrimination in 9 hearing impaired patients.

    Descriptions in some of the patents attribute microwave hearingto direct neuralinfluence. However in review, the most acceptedmechanism is by thermoelasticexpansion, which results in soundwaves 67 that most likely induces bone conductedhearing. Thecochlea does appear to be involved, but not the middle ear. 69

    Communicating Via the Microwave Auditory Effect. is the title ofa small business contract for the Department of Defense.Communication initial results are:The feasibility of the concepthas been established using both low and high powersystems. 100 AFreedom of Information Act (FOIA) request as to the projectsfinaloutcome met with denial on the part of the Air Force, on thegrounds that disclosurecould reasonably be expected to cause damageto national security. 101 Though the AirForce denied this FOIAdisclosure, such a contracts purpose is elaborated by the Air

    Forces New World Vistas report: It would also appear possible tocreate high fidelityspeech in the human body, raising thepossibility of covert suggestion and psychologicaldirection . . . .If a pulse stream is used, it should be possible to create aninternal acousticfield in the 5-15 kilohertz range, which isaudible. Thus it may be possible to talk toselected adversaries ina fashion that would be most disturbing to them. 102103 Meanstoactualize such communication possibility is evident in patents104105 assigned to the AirForce without royalty payment. Thesepatents describe demodulation of speech at thehead of a recipientwithout a proximate emitter, and no beneficial use presumed. Theprocess involves amplitude modulation where the carrier wavesinfluence is fullysuppressed, high frequency speech components arefiltered, and further distortion preventing processing. Theinventors are Air Force employees who have receivedawards from theDirected Energy Directorate, apparently both for assistanceindeveloping the millimeter wave area denial system laterdiscussed. 106 107 Robert O.Becker, whose eminence was enough tohave been twice nominated for the Nobel Prizein biologicalelectromagnetic fields research, is explicit regarding clandestineuse of radiofrequency voice transmission: Such a device has obviousapplications in covertoperations designed to drive a target crazywith voices or deliver undetectableinstructions to a programmedassassin.108

    A microwave voice transmission non-lethal weapon is referencedin the thesaurusof the Center for Army Lessons Learned, which is amilitary instruction website. 73d Anarticle from a magazine thatpublishes notably non-mainstream views details microwaveinner voicedevice demonstration by Dr. Dave Morgan at a 1993 classified JohnsHopkinssponsored non-lethal weapon conference, manufacture byLockheed-Sanders, and impliesuse by the CIA, who call the processvoice synthesis or synthetic telepathy. 109

    When electromagnetic signatures of spoken words are applied tothe head at verylow field levels (1 microTorr), word choice issignificantly affected along the sameemotional dimensions as theapplied word. 110 Though inspired by microwave hearing,this reportis not of direct auditory perception. The author suggests that suchaninfluence, even though weak, could shift the direction of groupdecisions in large

    dVide infra for discussion of the analogously listed SilentSound device in this reference.


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    populations, and has previously elaborated on the possibility ofless specificelectromagnetic influence on populations. 111


    The maintenance of isolated hearing effects on people requiresobstacle penetration and target tracking. Internal voice capableenergy forms penetrateobstruction and can be localized. Soundtransmission through enclosures is a commonexperience. Humantracking ability is not nearly as apparent for ultrasound asformicrowave radar, but ultrasound is being developed to discernmovement through walls.112 113 114 Though ultrasound is unnoticedeven at high intensity and can pass throughwalls, a significantportion of the encoded sound from ultrasound speakersreflectsaudibly upon striking hard flat surfaces.

    Common technology utilizes the radio frequency hearing spectrum,whichencompasses cell phone, 115 116 TV, and radar frequencies. 117A variety of antennaelocalize the structurally penetratingradiation with collimation or focusing. 118 119 The

    Luneburg lens emits parallel rays and has over 50 yearsutilization.


    Masers are anothermethod of collimation. 121Military radarsystems listing human tracking capability include: Advanced

    Radar Surveillance System (ARSS-1) by Telephonics; 122 BeaglePortable GroundSurveillance Radar by Pro Patria; 123 AN/PPS-5DMan-Portable Battlefield SurveillanceRadar by Syracuse ResearchCorp.; 124Squire LPI Ground Surveillance Radar by MSSCCorp.; 125and Manportable Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar (MSTAR)bySystems & Electronics, Inc., 126 which have ranges from 7-12km for personnel tracking.Some of these internet examinablereferences extend their capability from that listed inthe 2000-2001Janes Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems, which lists 13targetacquisition or tracking systems specifying such capability onpersonnel, purchased bymilitaries of some 27 countries. 127 BesidesRussian manufacture there are also EastEuropean producers of suchsystems. 127128

    The most widely deployed system is the Rasit ground surveillanceradar byThomson CSF AIRSYS, which lists 20 km as 90% probability ofdetection for humans.127

    Earlier systems have been in use since the Vietnam War. 129Basic operation of thesesystems involves a track initiationprocessor acquiring a target, while a data associationfiltermaintains a tracking lock on the target. 130 The above designsfeature infantry portability or mobile forward deployment, andcannot be regarded as the limit ofcapability, since larger radarshave a range of 100 miles, 131 though lacking humantrackingspecification.

    A quarter of a century ago, Janes Weapon Systems listed some 32weapons firecontrol designs whereby aiming was entirely determinedby radar tracking data with atleast 10 systems primarily designedfor control of one weapon system. 132 Eight weaponsguidance systemsutilized microwave target illumination by a dedicated surfacebeam(called semi-active homing). 132 Sensors for more recent activeguidance systems alsoilluminate targets for both laser133 microwaveradar134135 units that are compact enoughto be onboard the missile,and so inexpensive as to be disposable with the weapon.Targetillumination tracking systems have nanosecond to microsecondresponse times.Such responses do not require a wide scan area tolock illumination upon a person at


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    achievable speeds. At 90 miles per hour an auto travels lessthan 1/100 of an inch in amicrosecond.

    Rowan Patent # 4893815 Interactive transector device commercialand militarygrade describes the acquisition, locking onto, andtracking of human targets. 136 Statedtherein: Potentially dangerousindividuals can be efficiently subdued, apprehended and

    appropriately detained. The capability of isolating suspectedterrorists from theirhostages . . . or individuals within a groupwithout affecting other members of the groupis stated. Laser,radar, infrared, and acoustic sensor fusion is utilized toidentify, seek,and locate targets. Locking illumination upon thetarget until weapons engagementaccomplishes tracking. Amongavailable non-lethal weapons is an incapacitatingelectromagneticpainful pulse. Tracking data automatically aims weapons, andthesystem even provides remote physiological stress assessmentduring attack.

    Microwave methods of assessing life by detecting breathing andheartbeat rateshad full description in 1967, 137and are reviewedrespecting medical and possible rescueuse. 138 The technique candifferentiate hypovolemic from normal rabbits. 139 The USMilitaryhas an interest in a non-contact vital signs monitor. 140 Thecapacity is evaluated

    for obtaining covert polygraph information for liedetection.




    Hablov Patent # 5448501 Electronic life detection systemdescribes radar thatdetects vital organ motion, and distinguishesindividuals through obstruction. 144 Thereinis stated: themodulated component of the reflected microwave signal . . .subjected tofrequency analysis . . . forms a type of electronicfingerprint of the living being withcharacteristic features, which. . . permits a distinction between different living beings.Thoughthis patent applies to trapped victim rescue, another Hablov Patent #5530429 Electronic surveillance system detectsinterlopers with security emphasis. 145

    Individual variance of human radar signatures is otherwise known146than these patents,and gait 147148or heartbeat 149150 haveconsideration as biometric identifiers.

    Battlefield human tracking specifications are not expected toconsider obstruction.Some indication of radar capability throughobstruction can be gleaned from theadaptation of militarytechnology to through-wall surveillance, 151 which has beenspurredby declassifications of the Clinton administration, andHomeland Security initiatives.Surveys or overviews ofthrough-the-wall radar open literature are available. 152 153154

    Most materials negligibly attenuate radar at the lower microwavefrequencies. Highfrequencies in the millimeter wavelengths (95 GHz=3 mm) can provide detailed imagingof humans, but are not suitablefor brick and concrete. 152 Though without detail, somehuman imagecan be obtained at frequencies as low as 10 GHz, which also hasgoodbuilding material penetration. 152 Image resolution is enhancedby increased antennaaperture, 155 which can be synthetic withoutdependence on a single antennas size. 156

    Humans are actually emissive of millimeter wavelengths, 157 andotherwise have goodreflectance, 154 with a radar cross section ofone square meter, 158 which approximates thetwo dimensionalprofile. Human emmissivity at millimeter wavelengths evenallowssome measure of passive detection through walls, 152 thoughweapons detection throughclothing is most developed. 159160

    Many through-the-wall radars simply detect gross motion, afrequent state ofawake humans. Raytheons Enhanced Motion andRanging System is battery operated,briefcase sized, lists maximumrange as 100 feet, provides two dimensional tracking, andcan reportrange to motion of up to 16 targets. 161 162 163 Defense Researchand


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    Development Canada of their Defense Department commissioned aconsulting companyto examine the feasibility of constructing anUltra Wide-Band (UWB) through-the-wallradar from off the shelfcomponents. 164 Subsequent demonstrations show that suchsystems canlocate a moving target within a building from 60 meters away withmethodsbeing refined to provide building layout, and denotenon-moving targets. 165 UWB

    radars decrease interference with commercial signals,166

    and makes radar utilization moredifficult to detect. A portable,battery operated radar can detect an individual through 3walls. 167Another UWB radar detects personnel through several interveningwalls, andan extended range system can track human targets inexcess of 1000 feet, with trackingdata used to point a camera inthe target direction. 168

    Some through-the-wall surveillance (TWS) radars haveconsiderable commercialdevelopment. Fullerton et al. Patent #6400307 System and method for intrusiondetection using a timedomain radar array 169is licensed to Time Domain, 170 whichhasFederal Communications Commission approval for sale of 2,500 ofits RadarVisionunits in the US. 171 172 RadarVision is marketedinternationally, 173 has police or firefighter target markets,174and the company is developing a SoldierVision unit for theUS




    Georgia Tech is developing their Radar Flashlight for securityand rescueapplications. 177178 Both of these TWS systems operate bydetecting vital organ motion, being battery operated, highlycompact (10 pounds or less) models for the widestcommercialpotential, thus limiting range. RadarVision detects within 30 feet,whileRadar Flashlight has a 10 foot range.

    Other commercial TWS system developers are Patriot ScientificCorporation, 179

    AKELA, Inc., 180 SRI International, 181 and Hughes MissileSystems Co. 131 Radardetection software for personal computerdisplay is sold. 182 A Russian report describesan ability to recordthe frequency spectrum of speech besides heartbeat and respiration.183

    Since through-wall surveillance systems evident in the openliterature are subject tocommercial regulatory, pricing,portability, imaging, and multiple subject observationconstraints,they cannot be regarded as the limit of capability especiallyregarding radarsfor less economically constrained security marketsor not featuring portable design.


    Though not necessarily only involving voice transmission,references tobehavioral influence weapons by government bodies andinternational organizations arenumerous. Negotiation submissions tothe United Nations Committee on Disarmamentaffirm the reality ofmicrowave weapon nervous system effects. 184 EuropeanParliamentpassage of resolutions calling for conventions regulatingnon-lethal weapons and thebanning of weapons which might enable anyform of manipulation of human beings 185

    includes neuro-influence capability. 186 A resolution relates tothe US High FrequencyActive Auroral Research Project (HAARP), whichcan have environmentalconsequences, and although utilizing highfrequency, ionospheric extra low frequency(ELF) emanation results.Since ELF is within brain wave frequencies the project hascapacityto influence whole populations. 111 187 President Carters NationalSecurityAdvisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, predicted development of suchcapacity. 188 A US draftlaw prohibiting land, sea, or space-basedweapons using electromagnetic, psychotronic


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    (behavioral influence), and sound technologies directed atindividual persons or targetedpopulations for the purpose ofinformation war, mood management, or mind control hasnot yetpassed. 189 Use of electromagnetic devices against people orelectronics inMichigan is a serious felony. 190 Russianelectromagnetic standards are nearly 1000 timeslower than the West,so their weapon law forbidding electromagnetic weaponsexceeding

    Health Department parameters is strict.191

    A Russian draft law explicitly references behavioral influencenon-lethal weapons, and development in several countries. 192

    Resolutions by the International Union of Radio Sciencerecognize criminal use ofelectromagnetic technology, particularlyagainst infrastructure. 193

    An Israeli general in charge of military research anddevelopment acknowledgedinvestment in mind control technology byIsrael. 194 CNN has also reported regular useof microwaves againstPalestinians as sourced form a medical engineer, and that theUSDefense Department has contingency plans to use electromagneticweapons againstterrorists. 195 The same reference quotes anex-intelligence agent as stating The USGovernment has an electronicdevice which could implant thoughts in people in adifferent programinterview. Electromagnetic behavioral manipulation effects havehad

    report on various Discovery cable channel programs, andsuspicion of such technologyuse on then President Nixon wasexpressed on Larry King Live, which reiteratedcongressionaltestimony. 196 A statement by General John Jumpers about makingenemieshear and believe things that dont exist would include innervoice technology. 197

    The US Department of Defense has declassified a millimeterwavelength areadenial weapon. 198 The prototype weapon is vehiclemounted, and considered a non-lethalweapon. 102 199 The deviceproduces a beam that causes a burning sensation, that isstopped byswitching off the transmitter, or escape from the beam. 200Development ofthis device is in the advanced stages, and deploymentto Iraq is reported expected in2005. 201

    Besides confirming ultrasound internal voice capability, 54non-lethal weaponstreatments note high powered microwave impulsedisruption of brain waves withfunctional alteration 202 includingunconsciousness, 203 204 205 which is confirmed inexperimentalanimals. 206 Non-lethal weapon reviews also mention mindcontroldevelopment and testing. 207208 Terms utilized in the latterreferences indicate subliminalmessaging, particularly a Russiandeveloped technique called psycho-correction, 209 theutilization ofwhich was considered against David Koresh of the Waco, TexasBranchDavidian incident. 210 211 212 An American system in theprevious Army thesaurusreference called Silent Sounds 73213e alsoutilizes subliminal messaging, and was utilizedin the 1991 Iraq Waraccording to the company founder, 214 and British news reports.215

    A system based on the same technology is for sale on theInternet. 92 Silent Sounds alsohas sophisticated brainwaveentrainment by emotional clustering capability. 214 216

    Subliminal messaging is utilized in retail stores for theftprevention. 217218 Although theFederal Communications Commissionreports few complaints of subliminal messaging inbroadcasts, 217the technique was most recently utilized in a 2000 US presidentialpoliticaladvertisem*nt, 219 and is reportedly rampant withinRussian television. 220

    e Also called S-quad, Silent Sounds, Inc. licensed Lowery Patent#5159703 Silent subliminal presentationsystem, also has advancedbrain wave entrainment technology with several classified patents.(See 8/4/04)Unessentialis individual direction, but possible by ultrasound.

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    The microwave irradiation of the American Embassy in Moscowreceived littlepublicity until the winter of 1976 instillation ofprotective screening, but irradiation wasknown since 1953. 221 Theirradiation was directional from nearby buildings with

    pulsation detected. Complaint to the Soviets had no avail, butthe signals disappeared inJanuary 1979 reportedly as a result of afire in one or more of the buildings, 222thoughthere was recurrencein 1988. 223 Psychiatric cases occurred during the exposure period,but no epidemiologic relationship was revealed with fully a quarterof the medicalrecords unavailable, and comparison with other SovietBloc posts. 222 Althoughsignificant results matched the Sovietrecognized neurotic syndrome, 224 these weredismissed as subjectivesymptoms. Professional publications further detail some oftheseflaws, 225 along with charges of government cover-up,particularly respecting cancercases. 226 The CIA had Dr. MiltonZaret review Soviet medical microwave literature todetermine thepurpose of the irradiation. He concluded the Russians believed thebeamwould modify the behavior of the personnel. 227 In 1976 thepost was declared

    unhealthful and pay raised 20%.


    The most documented citizen microwave irradiation was of peaceprotesters atGreenham Common American Air Force Base in BerkshireEngland, who promptedinvestigation of unusual symptoms. 229Radiation measurements exhibited microwaveswith symptom experienceup to a hundred times the background level, and rose sharplyonprotests nearer the base. 223 Symptoms became pronounced on cruisemissiletransport, a protest focus. 223 Recorded were wide rangingcomplaints: skin burns;severe headaches; drowsiness; temporaryparalysis; incoordinated speech; two late (5mos.) spontaneousabortions; an apparent circulatory failure; and unlike usualmenstrualsynchronization, irregular or postmenopausal menstruation.The symptom complex fitswell with electromagnetic exposuresyndrome. 223 It is also reported that some of thewomen heardvoices. 230 The base closed finally in 1991.

    Measurement of non-ionizing radiation fields in the vicinity ofan Australianvictim is described. 231 The intensity ranged from 7mV in an adjacent room to 35 mVnext to the head. Criminal microwavedirected energy weapon use is reported inGermany232 havingsimilarity of circ*mstances, complaints, and symptoms in a numberofcases, with microwave field measurement excluding the usual sources(cell phonetowers, etc.) in at least one case. 233 Other anecdotalcases affirm microwave fieldmeasurement without strengthpublication. 196 234 235 A security companyadvertisesinvestigations of electromagnetic harassment includingmicrowave voice transmissionwith field measurement. 236 Victimshave asserted an ability to record harassment effects.Though theevidence for recording microwave harassment effects is inconclusiveandonly slightly more than anecdotal, condenser microphones areresponsive to the thermo-acoustic mechanism, and other microphonedesign types have elements that are similar tothermo-acousticresponsive situations.237

    Ultrasound behavioral influence technology use in NorthernIreland is cited. 204

    The device could focus on one person and utilized ultrasoundlike the previous discussedpatents, though voice transmission isunconfirmed. It was employed in Vietnam by theAmericans, and isknown as the squawk box. Psychological effects are summarizedasspooky. More detail by a defense journalist is quoted: When thetwo frequencies mix


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    in the human ear they become intolerable. Some people exposed tothe device are said tofeel giddy or nauseous and in extreme casesthey faint. Most people are intenselyannoyed by the device and havea compelling wish to be somewhere else. 238 Britishpoliceinventories list the specific device, though a spokesman denieduse. 223

    Sophisticated behavioral influence capability is confirmed byex-intelligence

    officers. Julianne McKinney, Director of The National SecurityAlumni ElectronicSurveillance Project has conducted a study ofvictim cases. This is a largely classifiedemployee victim studywith internal voice transmission avowal.239


    Ultrasound voice transmission technology is well confirmed bypeer reviewedliterature, deployed in military 35 36 37 38 or policesituations, 33 40 41 publicly demonstrated inmuseum exhibits, 47 4849 and for sale to the public. 240 241 Microwave internalvoicetransmission citations rest on a solid foundation of microwavehearing literature, with

    confirmation in peer reviewed literature as well as a governmentreport for non-remotetransducer systems, 95 97 99 and a furthersuch device for sale. 92 There are four patents forremote radiofrequency voice transmission, 78 80 two of which were developed bythe USDefense Department 104 105 as well as additional referencesaffirming successfuldevelopment. 74 77 100 Though there is onlysome publication of microwave field strengtharound victims 223 231or measurement anecdotes, 196234 235 with such publication toremoteradio frequency voice transmission use being in media of lessrespected reliability, suchreports are supported by descriptions ofnon-lethal weapon applications 76 103 andreferences indicatingweapons. 73 109 The existence of numerous systems capableoftracking humans, has long demonstrated the feasibility ofconstructing devices capable of producing internal voicecontinuously in isolated individuals. To deny suchtechnologicalcapability in the face of extensive complaint is willfully toignoredocumented development of the relevant technologies andengineering competence forcomplete integration. It must beappreciated that engineering development is often proprietary andless published than open science, especially in areas withcovertapplication. Even the most prejudiced skeptic, who wouldhonestly consider the relevantliterature, would have to concedethat such capacity has had development. The fact isthat suchcomplaints have had no adequate investigation.

    The logic in the prediction by Brzezinski f of the appearance ofa more controlledand directed society dominated by a power elitewilling to use the latest moderntechniques for influencing behaviorwithout hindrance by liberal democratic values iscompelling. 188Since those supposedly expert regard a victims perceptions aspsychotic,all complaints are disregarded, much less capability tobear witness. Potential targets aremultiple, and may include anyoneworth neutralization: domestic adversaries; securityrisks, whichmay only comprise classified disclosures; witnesses ofimproprieties; thoseprone to committing advantageous felonies; andeven those psychologically similar totarget groups for developmentpurposes. Internal voice technology is most applicablewithin thesame language and culture. Security agencies have little legalaccountability, particularly with utilization of unrecognizedtechnology. Legality is readily

    f National Security Advisor to President Carter.


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    circumvented by executive orders, (particularly declaration of acrisis or emergencysituation), which can be sealed, and thisprerogative is only accountable to co-equalbranches ofgovernment.

    Most complainants allege public sector involvement orsub-contracted privatecompanies.242 Remote behavioral influenceresearch has long been funded by the US, 108

    with evidence of inner voice transmission development31 74 77 7880 100 104 105

    and weapons,34 35

    36 37 54 73 109 though denying on national security groundsproject results 101 and even foreignliterature analyses. 243 Some30 countries evidence active behavioral influence weaponresearch.244

    Leaders of victim movements for investigation and protest havewrittenpresentable treatments from the East European 234 235 245and victim 196 perspectives, butwhile there has been somepsychoanalytical acknowledgement, 246 no concise treatment ispublished in mainstream media. Current medical awareness ensureseffectiveneutralization of the afflicted, though not all thoseaffected are stigmatized. Howeverphenomena of hearing voices, orperception of remote manipulation, when recounted tohealthprofessionals results in various prejudicial diagnoses, 247 248totally without

    investigation. The longstanding disregard for people with suchsymptoms that givepresumed rationale for civil rights abrogationmust be justified by adequate investigation,which is not apparentin medical scholarship. Mandatory is determination ofrelevantfields around complainants. Professional opinions formedwithout excluding thesetechnologies are negligent. Such diagnosismust be regarded as presumptive.

    Longstanding complaints by numerous victims about remote voicetransmissionto the medical community 249 are too correspondent tothe technologic developmentherein documented to further ignore. Thefact that microwave bioeffects have extensivecorrelation withreported symptoms of major psychosis other than voices, 250furthersubstantiates the ambiguity of diagnostic supposition. Allof society should be disturbedat the prospect of remote inner voiceinduction, since the unaware subject would perceivesuch voices ashis own natural thought, without complaint provoking assault.Evencomplaints of mind reading by some victims perceiving suchintrusion has basis in thatrecent EEG analysis studies confirm andextend the feasibility of thought reading, whichwas reportedinitially by a 1975 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agencystudy, andthere are references to remote EEG microwave methods.251

    Acknowledgements: Thanks are given to God for inspiration, and abenefactor ofChristians Against Mental Slavery for financialsupport (website There is gratitude alsoto Dr. Paul Canner, and Dr. AllenBarker for their suggestions.

    All patents are freely printable from the U. S. Patent Officewebsite or at [emailprotected] internet urls are not restrictedas to database.

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Name: Arielle Torp

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